(see also post 17 and 29 , 145 ,148, 150)
For example for Aegean islands (Greece) improvisational folk melodies (mandinades) condylies) with violin or Lyra, the next factors prevail.
1) "Poetic meters" over the same note sometimes notes up to 8 notes. The density of the notes is high. E.g. with 4 notes per measure-bar and a beat of 80-100 bars per minute gives a tempo of 320-400 beats-notes per minute.
3) Straight vectors ascending or descending usually of 4 or 5 notes so as to reach a new chord neighborhood.
2) Mainly waves by intervals of 2nds (chromatic) inside intervals of 3rds (melodic, either standing or ascending descending, and usually inside a chord so as to reach the neighborhood of a new chord. The simplistic sub-melody of such a waving melody is essentially an arpeggio of the underlying chord.
We may create such nice loops, of 2 or 3 or more chords and parallel melodic themes as "dolphin words" with arpeggiator applications in ipad like chordion, dot melody, arpeggist , fugue machine, ioniarics polyrhitmic arpeggiator , touchscaper etc (see post 12 )
We must notice that many application create looping melodic themes that are any sequence of notes, which allows for the loop to be acctually a repeating sequence of smaller melodic thems M1 M2 M3 ...Mn (or "dolphin words") one for each chord C1 ,C2 C3,...Cn ofthe cycle of chords.
We may also utilize chord sequencers or chord progressions sequencer applications
The symbols here mean M=major m=minor , dim=diminished , aug=augmented, the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 are the steps of a diatonic scale (ionian mode).
1) 1M
2) 5M7->1M
3) 6m->1M
4) 1M->4M->5M->1M (Cretan matinodies, kondilies)
or only 1M (3rd note) ->1M->5M7(5th note)->1M (3rd note)
or only 1M (3rd note) ->1M->1M->1M (3rd note)
e.g. as order of notes in a diatonic scale
3 3 3 4 3 5 5 5 4 2 3 4 5 5 3
as rhythm from 15-syllables poetry
(1M )
1001 010
(combination of poetry rhythms of anapestik 100 with trochaic 10 )
In addition to rhythm, scale and chord progression we need also the statistical profile of the progression of the simplical melodic themes (see post 282) so as to determine the local style of the particular improvisations.
E.g. in Cretan Kondilies that have usually only two underlying chords (e.g. 1M->5M7->1M ) this progression during each chord (statistically determined rather than deterministically) defines the local style of the improvisational melody. E,g, 2 simplicial melodic themes for first 1M one for 5M7 and one back to 1M. In total 4 simplicial themes, the first 3 in a kind of variational repetition (translation or inversion) and one last and 4th closing one that may be mutated.
5) 5M7->1M7->4M (Jazz, Celtic folk)
6) 2m7->5M7->1M (Blues)
One of the simplest cycle of chords is 3 consecutive chords in the cycles of 4ths.
E.g. in the C major diatonic scale
Dm->G->C (Western Jazz) (2m-5M-1M) (happy)
G->C->F (Irish folk) (5M- 1M- 4M) (happy)
Em->Am->Dm (Eastern folk and latin too) (3m-6m-2m) (sad)
Bdim->Em->Am (Eastern Jazz) (7d-3m-2m) (sad)
other combinations of major M, minor m, diminished d and augmented aug are
d-M-M (happy)
aug-M-M (happy)
aug-m-M (sad)
aug-m-m (sad)
M-m-m (sad)
d-m-M (sad)
d-d-M (sad)
d-d-m (sad)
aug-aug-M (sad)
aug-aug-m (sad)
d-aug-M (sad)
d-aug-m (sad)
d-aug-d (sad)
aug-aug-d (sad)
In the next video the next 4 triads are harmonizing the 4 known minor scales
5m->1m->4m =natutal minor (diatonic)
5m->1m->4M= Dorian minor (diatonic)
5M->1m->4M=melodic minor (chromatic)
5M->1m->4m=harmonic minor (chromatic)
and of course
there are also the combinations
5M->1M->4M =ionnian mode , major (diatonic)
If the triad is harmoni only at one pair we get also the triads
1M->2m->5M7 (blues)
8) 5M7->1M7->6m->4M (Popular Pop)
(E.G. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eObM-tAgeG0&t=1273s )
9) 6m7->2m7->5M7->1M (Pop music 50s)
(E.G. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUNWjgaJEik&t=50s )
10) 6m->5M->4M->3M (Andalusian cadenza, part of the 1st chromatic tonal cycle as in 10))
(E.G. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li4izrMnd-I or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KE48jD5aVw )
11) 3m->1M->6m->7M7 (flamenco pharaon or tonal 2nd chromatic 4-cycle)
E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwDJ0e1fssw
12) 6m->4M->2m->3M7 (tonal 1st-chromatic 4-cycle)
E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgJFV5K3NLc
13) 1M->7M7>3m->5M7_1M (tonal 2nd-chromatic 4-cycle)
14) 1M->7M7>3M7->6m (tonal 2nd-chromatic 4-cycle b)
In the chords of a diatonic scale, , we may reverse chromatically by 4 or 5 chords any harmonic resolution transition of two chords and this is already a cycle of chords:
E.g, 5M7->1M ,which reversed chromatically as a cycle it is
1M->7dim->6m->5M7 (or with 5 chords 1M->2m->3m->4M-5M7)
4M->3m->2m->1M7 (or with 5 chords 4M->5M->6m->7dim->1M7 )
6m->5M->4M->3m7 (or with 5 chords 6m->7dim->1M->2m->3m7)
2m->1M->7dim->6m7 (or with 5 chords 2m->3m->4M->5M->6m7)
16) CHROMATIC INVERSE OF HARMONIC RESOLUTION PAIRS : 1ST CHROMATIZATION OF DIATONIC SCALE: In the chords of the 1st chromatic version of the diatonic scale, , we may reverse chromatically by 4 or 5 chords any harmonic resolution transition of two chords and this is already a cycle of chords:
E.g, 3M7->6m ,which reversed chromatically as a cycle it is nothing else than the Andalussian cadenza
And also the next such cycles
1M->7M7->6m->5M7 (or with 5 chords 1M->2m->3M7->4M-5M7)
and similarly
4M->3M->2m->1M7 (or with 5 chords 4M->5M->6m->7M7->1M7 )
6m->5M->4M->3M7 (or with 5 chords 6m->7M7->1M->2m->3M7)
2m->1M->7M7->6m7 (or with 5 chords 2m->3M->4M->5M->6m7)
17) MELODIC INVERSIONS OF HARMONIC RESOLUTION PAIRS. 1ST CHROMATIZATION OF DIATONIC SCALE: In the chords of the 1st chromatic version of the diatonic scale, we may reverse MELODICALLY (in other words with chord transitions in relatives relation) by 4 or 5 chords any harmonic resolution transition of two chords and this is already a cycle of chords:
18) 3M7->6m->5M7->1M (4-cycle from 1st chromatic diatonic chord cycle, Andean Music)
19) 3M7->6m->2m7->5M7->1M (5-cycle from 1st chromatic diatonic chord cycle)
20) 6m->2m->5M->1M->4M (5-cycle ,Most popular Pop)
20.1) 1M->4M->3M7->6m->6M7->2m->1M (Scandinavian folk tunes)
21) 3m->6m->2m->5M7->1M->4M (6-chords diatonic cycle)
22) 6m->2m->5M7->1M->4M->3M7 (6-chords 1st chromatic tonal chords in melodic (relatives) relations).
23) 1M->-6m->4M->2m->5M7->3m->1M (6-cycle of melodic relations tonal chords)
24) 7dim->3m7->6m7->2m7->5maj7->1maj7->4maj7 ( 7-chords diatonic cycle))
25) 6m7->2m7->5maj7->1maj7->4maj7->7M7->3M7
(7-chords 1st chromatic diatonic cycle Jazz, Gypsy Jazz, Beethoven)
26) 6M7->2m7->5maj7->1maj7->4maj7->3M7->6m (Gypsy jazz)
In the next 7-cycles only one of the 3 minor chords or diminished is turned in to a major chord
24.1) 5M7->1Μ->4Μ->7dim->3m->6M7->2m->5M7 (Scandinavian folk)
24.2) 5M7->1Μ->4Μ->7dim->3m->6m->2M7->5M7
24.3) 5M7->1Μ->4Μ->7M7->3m->6m->2m->5M7
24.4) 5M7->1Μ->4Μ->7dim->3M7->6m->2m->5M7 25) 7-chords melodic diatonic cycle (by relative chord transitions)
24.5) 5m7->1Μ->4Μ->7dim->3m->6M7->2m->5m7 (Scandinavian folk with 6M7 and 5m7)
1M->6m->4M->2m->7M7->3m->5M7->1M (3melodic 2harmonic transitions )or
1M->7M7->3M7->6m->4M->2m->5M7->1M (2melodic 1 chromatic 3 harmonic transitions )
1M->6m->4M->2m->7M7->3M7->5M7->1M (4melodic 1 chromatic 2 harmonic transitions )
7-chords melodic-harmonic 2nd chromatic diatonic cycle
1M->3m->6m->4M->2m->5M7->3M7->1M (4melodic 1 chromatic 3 harmonic transitions )
1M->3m->6m->4M->2m->5M7->7M7->1M (3melodic 2 chromatic 2 harmonic transitions )
(0 melodic 3 chromatic 5 harmonic transitions )
1M->7M7->3m->3M7->6m->4M->2m (or 2M7)->5M7->1M
(3 melodic 1 chromatic 4 harmonic transitions )
1M->4M->3M7->6m->6M7->2m (or 2M7)->5M7->1M
(1 melodic 1 chromatic 5 harmonic transitions )
1M->4M->7M7->3m->3M7->6m-> 2M7->5M7->(5aug)->1M
(1 melodic 1 chromatic 6 harmonic transitions )
1M->7M7->3m->4M->3M7->6m->2m (or 2M7)->5M7->1M
(0 melodic 3 chromatic 5 harmonic transitions )
1M->4M->7M7->3M7->6m->2m (or 2M7)->5M7->1M
(0 melodic 1 chromatic 6 harmonic transitions )
(3 melodic 2 chromatic 3 harmonic transitions)
1M->3m->5M->7M7->1M or
30) Small 5-chords melodic chromatic tonal cycle
1M->6m->4M->2m->7M7->1M or
31) Other examples are , the next cycle of chords
is a scale of chords of the simple type, that is a connected arc in the wheel of chords by 4ths, and the specifications of diminished, minor or major are set so that the particular scale of chords is also the chords of the major diatonic scale of notes!
Nevertheless we can alter that specification of the chords in which case more than one scale are produced:
B7->Em->A7->Dm->G7->Cm->F or
Bm7->E7->Am7->D7->Gm7->C7->Fm or
B7->E->A7->Dm->Gm7->Cm->F etc
The E(m) means either major chord E or minor chord Em etc
The next scales of 7-chords have only two minor chords which complies with a desired ratio of minor chords not more than 1/3 of all chords
Or we may alternate minor major once at odd chords and once at even chords e.g.
Larger scales are from 12-chords
Other simpler scales from chords are of 4 only chords e.g.
G->C->F ->Bdim7 etc
G->C->F ->Caug(or G#aug) etc
or they can be based on wheel by 3rds and alternating minor major relative chords
G->Em->C->Am->F >Dm->G etc
This is a progressions X1->X2->X3->...->Xn where the Xi->Xi+1 and Xi+1->Xi+2 is an alternation of chord relation and transitions of the chromatic-melodic , chromatic-harmonic, melodic-harmonic, chromatic-chromatic, melodic-melodic or harmonic-harmonic relations.
Such constant alternating patterns of chord relations somehow determine also that the melodic themes (either within a single chord or within a chord transition), are structured and translated or inverted or expanded with similarly alternating intervals of 2nd, 3rd or 4th/5th.
Here is an alternative way to produce not harmonic scales of chords (based on the harmonic relation of chords) but chromatic scales of chords based on the harmonic relation of chords but which still involve the other two chord relations the melodic and the harmonic
WE START WITH A CHROMATIC CADENZA OR ASCENZA in semitones 2->2->1 or 1-3-1 or 1-3-1-1-3-1 in harmonic and double harmonic minor scales, and we paralel chords rooted on such notes X1->X2->X3->X4 with chords
Y1->Y2->Y3->Y4, such that the relation of Xi with Yi is either in a relation of being relative chords (melodic relation of chords) or a 4th apart (harmonic relation of chords)
Of course the less total number of different chords that we may use is better and it sounds more familiar if such chords belong to an harmonic personality (diatonic or harmonic minor or double harmonic minor etc).We may use either minor or major chords.
More generally and we paralel chords X1->X2->X3->...->Xn that are in one of the relations chromatic, melodic harmonic , with chords X1->X2->X3->...->Xn so that the relation of Xi with Yi is always constantly in one of the 3 basic relations relative chords (melodic relation of chords) or a 4th apart (harmonic relation of chords) .
Such constant alternating patterns of chord relations somehow determine also that the melodic themes (either within a single chord or within a chord transition), are structured and translated or inverted or expanded with similarly alternating intervals of 2nd, 3rd or 4th/5th.
In order to create the melody over such a cycle of chords we may proceed as follows.
1)We compose 2 or 3 simplicial sub-melodies one for each part of the song , with one note per chord, over the cycle of chords preferably at a chromatic sequence ascending and descending .
2) We create moves or waves for each note of the simplicial sub-melody by sequencing during the chord with two types of notes a fast (usually outside the chord) and a slow of double duration on the notes of the chord again ascending or descending with smaller waves
3) We arrange a continuous sound instrument to play the simplicial sub-melody only and a discrete sound (guitar mandolin etc) to play the full waves melody.
Other determinations of these songs or improvisations;
Although the cycle of chords is fixed, the order and duration that these chords are played may vary, from song to song, or even inside the same song ("random" permutation of the chords of the cycle).
E.g. 1M->4M->5M->1M (Cretan matinodies, kondilies)
or only 1M (3rd note) ->1M->5M(5th note)->1M (3rd note)
or only 1M (3rd note) ->1M->1M->1M (3rd note)
1) The rhythm:
The duration of the beat is determined by clock-standards. Then each chord of the cycle is determined how many beats has duration. Furthermore, the rhythm is specified as in post 10. Usually, the powers of 2 are utilized. So a triad of chords will have a repetition of a chord in duration. E.g. a cyclic pattern A B C A, of 4 groups of beats so that each chord has equal duration will also determine a variational repetition pattern of the variating melodic themes, usually 3 variations and the last time a resolution. The melody itself can be classified to the simplicial say in 4 chord-durations, or the normal in 8 chord half durations, or embellishing in 16 chord quarter durations, or fast embellishing 32 , eighths chord durations etc.
Initially, it seems that the rhythm of the main melody was patterned over 15-syllables poetry, with 4+4 beats at the first line of 8 syllables and 4+3 beats at the 2nd line of 7 syllables.
The term mantinodies is quite similar and meanings and methods with the term rhapsody of the ancient poetry of homer (Iliada, Odyssia etc)
In general, there are 4 classes:
1)The ascending (happy)
2) The descending (unhappy)
3) The upper cyclic (happily sad),
4) The lower cyclic (sadly happy).
This is a general pitch order pattern which of course has emotional significance: Increasing pitch order in the roots =joy, decreasing pitch order in the roots=sadness.
e.g. as order of notes in adiatonic scale (Cretan mantinodia, condilia)
3 3 3 4 3 5 5 5 4 2 3 4 5 5 3
3) The pitch order pattern of the induced by the melody harpism (permutation) of the notes of each chord.
Although the part of the melody accompanied by a single chord may have notes outside the chord, it will have also notes of the chord that it is expected that they have a longer duration. Thus this part of the melody induces a permutation or harpist of the notes of the chord.
4) The variational repetition pattern of the melodic themes as part of the melody accompanied by a single chord.