(This post has not been written completely yet)
We show in this post that the well known Japanese pentatonic scales like Akebono, Insen etc of Koto music and many more unknown but beautiful pentatonic scales are contained in the Harmonic minor (1st Byzantine minor) and harmonic double minor (2nd Byzantine minor, or Gypsy minor or Hungarian minor ) scale.
We list 5 more, and beautiful, 5-notes scales of the 7-notes harmonic double minor scale
One of the most beautiful melodies improvisations is to go up and down in a 7-notes scale but only with 5 steps (5-notes sub-scales) or 4-steps (4-notes subscales or chords). We do not need to go up and down with the same 5-notes/4-notes sub-scale, but we need to go up or down from root to higher or lower octave next root, with only 5-steps or 4-steps (creating thus a 5-notes/4-notes subscale). The reason, of course, is that in this way we increase the percentage of intervals of 3rds and even we might make them more than intervals of 2nds in the melody, thus we increase the harmony in the melody. Beautiful melodies are created especially if the underlying 7-notes scale is the harmonic double minor (2nd Byzantine minor) scale.
In a 7-notes scale flute, this is done by keeping 2-times or 3-times during ascending or descending the scale, two fingers as if tight together. We change each time which of these fingers would be.
In a 7-notes scale flute, this is done by keeping 2-times or 3-times during ascending or descending the scale, two fingers as if tight together. We change each time which of these fingers would be.
We show in this post that the well known Japanese pentatonic scales like Akebono, Insen etc of Koto music and many more unknown but beautiful pentatonic scales are contained in the Harmonic minor (1st Byzantine minor) and harmonic double minor (2nd Byzantine minor, or Gypsy minor or Hungarian minor ) scale.
We list 5 more, and beautiful, 5-notes scales of the 7-notes harmonic double minor scale