The idea is based on the intervals relation in diatonic steps 1=4-3 , or in words interval of 2nd=interval of 4th-interval of 3rd.
Thus we substitute the next pairs of chords and chromatic transitions with melodic-harmonic transitions
1M->2m => 1M 4M 2m
2m->3m => 2m 5M 3m
3m -< 4M => 3m 1M 4M
4M -> 5M => 4M 2m 5M
5M -> 6m => 5M 1M 6m
6m-> 7d => 6m 4M 7m (7bM)
7d -1M => 7m 5M 1M.
Which by the way derives the next harmonic-melodic 16 cycle
1M 4M 2m 5M 3m 1M 4M 2m 5M7 1M 6m 4M 7M7 5M 5M7 1M