
Showing posts with label 70. Memory and melodies. How ordinary memory people can remember incredible complex things with Cicero's method. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 70. Memory and melodies. How ordinary memory people can remember incredible complex things with Cicero's method. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2016

70. Memorizing melodies. How ordinary memory people can remember incredible complex things. Cicero's method and the subconscious method.

See also post 285 and 282
Most musical instruments players, memorize their musical pieces, by just playing them sufficient many times, and letting the subconscious memorize them.

There are neverthless short notes about a melody that helps to remember it (especially when the target is an improvisation over the melody) which are not more complicated than the  chord progression which underlies the melody.

Here are hints for it

1) Determine and take note of the root of at least one main diatonic scale from which the melody may deviate and the melody has  maximal number of notes in it among other diatonic scales  (there may be more than one!) . 
2) Determine and take  a note of the parts A B C etc and repetion (loop) pattern of them
3) Determine initial-final note of  each melodic theme in the parts as it varies , as well as lowest and highest note of it and take a note of it attached to  the part
4) Determine and take a note of the longest central notes that define the simplicial submelody that should not me more than the chords of the chord progression

After all the above 4) aspects of  partial information about the melody , listen to it sometimes to refresh the memory about it, and then improvise on  it without changing the information that you took notes. Chose the best version that you feel better , and play it as your own version of the melody.

On the other hand  one may have heard about national or world memory completions, where memory athletes memorize in seconds  the order of whole decks of cards, or hundreds of random numbers etc. And most people thing that such people have extraordinary memory! WRONG! Al these people have average memory abilities, BUT have learned the standard  method of memorizing complex sets of information. Boldly speaking the method (an ancient Greek method, Cicero's method) is to link the elements of the information you want to memorize in to  larger pleasant story! This obviously applies to long and complex melodies, and chord progressions, where the basic parts of the melody are linked between them with a story ...with much more information. 
Below are two video that explain how Cicero's method may make an average man a memory champion!